Written by Evi Idoghor, Creator of Letstalknationblog.com
As many might know Jesus's birth date was never recorded in the Bible, and as such, we are left in the dark as to when our Savior was born. However, over the years it became common Christian practice to acknowledge His birth on the 25th of December.
This is why I usually don't make a great deal or get into discourse as to whether Christmas is about Christ or Santa Clause because it is not written in the Bible that He was born on this day. Nevertheless, Jesus still remains the reason for the season, and matter of fact, every season because He alone granted us eternal life and access to God the Father by fulfilling His purpose here on earth.
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Now all the serious talk is out of the way, can you believe the year is officially coming to a close? I am one who has looked forward to this for so long. We can all agree that this year has been a whirlwind. However, I am thankful to God that we are still here, still hopeful, and still healthy, regardless of what 2020 tried to throw at us.
Gosh! I remember saying Happy New year to friends and family like it was yesterday and I remember cuddling up on Christmas morning at my aunt’s house in 2019, with my cousin cooking up a storm, it was fun! Now, we are here again celebrating life, love, laughter, joy, faith, family, and hopefully the real reason for the season, Jesus.
Why did Jesus have to come?
Before Jesus ever walked this planet as a man, prophecies of old told of His arrival: The Messiah, who would save humanity from all the hurt, pain, judgment, and also grant them complete access to eternal life if they'd accept Him.
At the time, the world was plagued with idol worship. Mediums and sorcerers filled the earth—“and when they say to you, "seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter," should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living?" Isaiah 8:19)
People usually consulted mediums to discover what their future held and also wanting to speak with the dead. None of these practices were of God, neither were they fulfilling. None of them could heal, provide, forgive sins, raise the dead, save, or had the promise of eternal life.
And for the elect (the darling Jews, as I like to refer to them), God’s law had been passed down to them for generations, practices that their great-grandparents were accustomed to—people usually had to make sacrifices yearly for their sins.
Imagine today in 2020 as a Christian each time you sin, you have to go to your high priest to sacrifice an animal without blemish. That was some tedious practice.
The judgments back then were also brutal (for lack of a better word) and sometimes immediate. Some people were stoned to death for adultery and fornication amid other sins. Not to say these are not still sins or do not deserve the punishment of eternal separation from God, however, it was an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth era.
You can also imagine the fear and dread that gripped a generation of people, who wondered if walking on eggshells was the only way to draw closer to God. So, He sent Christ to be the propitiation for our sins. A plan that would take care of all our mess once and for all.
Jesus's birth (death and resurrection) were the best things that ever happened to humanity. Hope crept into the world when it was hopeless, peace came in when there was serious unrest, and joy, oh what incredible joy, which filled the earth when His birth was announced.
“Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11 (NKJV)
Little wonder people were mesmerized with Him; Little wonder the followers He has. The most influential Person that ever lived and is still living—Jesus Christ, our Lord. Christians are multiplying every day because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It brings hope to a hopeless world, and peace to a world that is filled with so much chaos.
Since His arrival, we are no longer bound by laws, and sacrifices that don’t satisfy or grant us eternal access to the One and Only true King. We can now have a genuine relationship with God, and the good news is that it is no longer for the Jews alone—the entire world is invited to this giant party.
If you are not a Christian today, what are you waiting for? God offers you forgiveness for your sins, hope, joy, peace, victory, power, protection, healing, wisdom, talents, salvation, eternal life, and the list is endless.
You cannot find this kind of deal anywhere else. So as we gather together with family and friends (online or in-person), let us celebrate the birth, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who remains the real reason for all seasons.
Also, let us be mindful of those who have endured loads of suffering this year, and share the hope that we have in Jesus, this life is not the be-all-end-all, there is eternity after this. Merry Christmas everyone!!
Further Studies:
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