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Spotlight Monday: Aiyeteju Primary School

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.” Jesus

It’s been over a month since we published an article under this section. Here at Let’s Talk Nation, we like to go for quality, rather than quantity. The purpose of this section of the website is to shine a light on amazing people, doing extraordinary things for people who can’t fend for themselves. Serving under the Nigerian government, through the NYSC (national youth service corp) program has afforded me the opportunity, to visit places I wouldn't usually come across on a regular day. Today’s focus is the Aiyetetu primary school, which is located in the Ibeju Lekki local government area, where I serve.

Image courtesy of Unsplash

This is a government-owned primary school, which has a section for special needs children. I visited the school for the second time yesterday and was blown away by the love the staff showed the kids that are deaf. They use sign language to communicate with them and pay particular attention to any kid that may be lagging behind. They make the children feel welcomed, and at home, the children don’t feel less than, just because they are special needs.

I was surprised to see a government school, have provision for those who are special needs; I didn’t know they even had those. I love the spirit of the teachers who work with the kids, because you really have to be patient, and love children to be in that environment. Since this school is not privately owned, they are limited in resources and need the help of the general public, to make the learning environment more conducive for the children.

As part of the NYSC program, we are committed to helping this particular school, with school supplies, sleeping mats, bed sheets for the kids and so on. I have included a list of things we want to provide for them. If you are interested in making any form of a donation to this great cause, please email me directly on

a list of what is needed

Thank you so much for reading and your help to support a great cause! Remember to comment, like, share and subscribe to never miss an update.

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