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My Five Most Memorable Break-up Stories

Updated: May 24, 2020

The first time I ever experienced heart-ache was when I was just about to graduate high-school. Thinking about it now, why was I in a relationship? Omg! I knew that the relationship I had with my then-boyfriend was not sustainable—it was not going to survive outside the confines of our school. This is Nigeria we are talking about here; I was not given the permission to date at 14 (shhh don’t tell my parents), plus I was going to move away for a two-year college, so our love ended the very day we said our good-byes on the last day of school.

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I was distraught! I cried my eyes out! What was I supposed to do without him? He was not bold enough to call my home phone; neither could I sneak off to go see him! Love as I knew it was over forever, well so I thought. What did I know as a young teenage girl anyway?

Fast forward six years later, this time around I was grown, matured, an independent woman sharing an apartment with her brother, thousands of miles away from my parents. I could do as I pleased, and that included telling my boyfriend of two-years on my front porch, that I was no longer interested in a relationship with him, the night before his graduation (ouch). He pleaded and pleaded for us to work things out, but I was done, simply because I found someone else!

That break-up was pretty memorable because of all the drama that ensued outside of my house— he tried to gain entry into an apartment where he easily waltzed in for two years, while my brother prohibited him from doing so. Guy, no hard feelings but my sister doesn’t want you here. Then he hit me with the famous line—you will never find anyone like me. (Well wasn’t that the point? Kidding!) My brother till this day swears that he was the best boyfriend that I ever had, but he just had to stick up for me. How sweet!

Hmmm, the next one, I ended it as well. I heard he had been going around town with other women, but come to think of it—the informant who gave me that information, also played a part in my 5th most memorable break-up. Did they have it out for me all those years? I guess we will never know! So yea I ended things with him, then regretted it, and begged him to take me back, but he refused! What I did to my ex had come back to bite me in the butt. Then my mother fell gravely ill and I forgot all about what a boyfriend was! Boy-who? Had to be there for mama; my heart could take several seats.

On to memorable Break-up number four! Have I really been in that many relationships? I guess yea! This happened in the UK! Because I refused to put out, he figured I wasn’t the one for him. In his words—we are not sexually compatible! Mogbe! After I crossed seven seas for you, then you tell me this?! Ladies and gentlemen, I was put on the next thing smoking back to Manchester, where I cried my eyes out (again) on the two-hour train ride back to my brother’s apartment. My family all wanted to know what had transpired in my two-day get-away, all I wanted to do was sleep my sorrows away!

And the 5th most memorable break-up, the break-ups of all-time, ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Happened just after two-weeks of dating! Yes, guys, you heard that right! Just two weeks! How was I supposed to tell people that the tall, dark and handsome boyfriend I had broadcasted all over the place, had dumped me? Lie lie oh! It was not going to work! Haha. I begged and pleaded and begged and pleaded and he finally accepted! Then we broke up five months after that! Sad right? I guess.

The relationships I have had in the past taught me a lot about myself and the male species. Now I know what I want, I know what I can handle, and I know what is good for me. At the time, experiencing such heart-aches felt like the end of the world, but I am still here, life is still happening and still beautiful. I am standing with my head held high; looking forward to what God has for me. Do I have any regrets? Well, maybe. I should have focused more on school and my future than dating at the time. Boys were a distraction for me, and quite frankly, not much of the relationships added value to my life, but we live and we learn and get better for it.

Over to you guys—what are some of your memorable breakup stories? Leave them in the comments section below. Also, remember to share and subscribe never to miss an update on Let’s Talk Nation.

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About The Author: Evi Idoghor is a Christian, writer, and content creator on She is a chemical engineering graduate from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Consumed by her love for writing and desire to effect change, she launched her online platform––Let’s Talk Nation––to tap into her creativity and start meaningful conversations that would make a difference around the world.

Most of her writing has been influenced by her time spent in America, where she lived for about 11 years. Also, she lived in Nigeria and South Korea and currently loves traveling the world while learning about other fascinating cultures. You can find her on all social media platforms with @eviidoghor.

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