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Spotlight: Slum 2 School

Transforming society by empowering every child, to realize their full potential

I came across this organization, at my favorite ice-cream store, Coldstone. They had a container, kind of like the ones you have for tips, and it had a Slum 2 School poster, on it. Coldstone pledged to give a certain amount to this organization whenever anyone purchased a waffle with their ice cream. I am glad to say I have been a constant contributor to this initiative (even if I need to stay off ice cream).

Image Courtesy of Slum2School Instagram Page

How It All Began

A couple of years ago, the founder (a young university graduate) came in contact with a young girl, who had never been to school, selling fish for her mother. They now decided to pay for the young girl’s education, and since then she has been at the top of her class, and is now a volunteer, with the program, to widen their reach. There are a lot of kids, like this young girl, who don’t have access to sound education and end up working for their parents to make a living.

Some months ago, a little girl named Success, went viral, because of her reaction to being sent out of school, because of the lack of finances to offset her school fees. She wanted to stay in school and learn, but she was sent home. The unusual thing about her story is that the school she attended was nothing to write home about. So many people rallied together to pay for her education until she finished university. There are plans to switch her school, and the government has also taken steps to rehabilitate that particular school, because the children left there, also need access to a sound education.

Organizations like Slum 2 School, have dedicated their life’s work, to make sure no child is left out, especially those who live in slums. They provide them with education and therapy, so they can compete with their peers, who did not come from the living conditions they once endured. Since their inception, they have enrolled so many kids in schools, established new learning centers, and expanded their reach to new communities, cities, and states. They believe that if people stop criticizing the government for our educational failures, and somewhat contribute to fixing the problem, a lot more children will have access to the education that they deserve.

Before and after shots of children who participated in their program

The organization has also developed a number of missions to achieve its overall purpose, such as; Kits 4 Kids, which provides primary educational material for children at the start of school, Slum Invasion, which educates people in the slums on the importance of education and My Mentor & I, which is designed to provided psychosocial help for the kids so they don’t end up dropping out of schools.

Want to learn more about this amazing organization, how you can donate and also partner with them? Visit their website—

Thank you Slum 2 School, for the great work you are doing for children in underserved communities; your work doesn’t go unnoticed, and you will be rewarded for it.

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About The Author: Evi Idoghor is a Christian, writer, and content creator on She is a chemical engineering graduate from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Consumed by her love for writing and desire to effect change, she launched her online platform––Let’s Talk Nation––to tap into her creativity and start meaningful conversations that would make a difference around the world.

Most of her writing has been influenced by her time spent in America, where she lived for about 11 years. Also, she lived in Nigeria and South Korea and currently loves traveling the world while learning about other fascinating cultures. You can find her on all social media platforms with @eviidoghor.


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